Improvising in the EFL classroom - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more

From time to time, I do this fun activity with my students and we have fun and laughter in the class.

On slips of papers write some sentences. (or tell your students to write a suggestion, regret, wish, advise, exclamation, etc)

Put the slips of papers in an envelope.

Prepare index cards. On each card, write situations and 2 characters involved in the situations.

Put the situations in an other envelope.

Ask 2 volunteers to stand up and come infront of the class, choose 3 slips of papers and a situation and tell them to start the conversation according to the instructions written on the situation card.

So each student will have 3 slips of papers and a situation card.

So you will have something like these:

What a great voice!

I wish I hadn’t eaten all the chocolate cake.

Shall I cook the meat now?

Student A

You are in the principals room with your mother and waiting for the principal to come. She asked your mother to come to school to talk about a matter. Your mum is angry and you are worried. You try to convince your mum that you haven’t done anything wrong.

Student B

You are in the principals room with your daughter or son because the principal asked you to come. You think s/he did something wrong and you are angry. S/he says s/he hasn’t done anything wrong

Tell them you will call their names and when they hear their names they have to insert the sentence on the slip of paper into the dialogue.

Continue until they use their 6 slips of papers.

This is a great filler, energizer, warm up. If they are enthused and want to participate you can even dedicate that one lesson to it. It is a great fluency practice.

Laughter is guarantied 🙂

2 comments on “Improvising in the EFL classroom
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