Voki is a wonderful toy and my kids loved to play with it.
Here are the vokies created by my kids:
My kids studied the imperatives before the schools closed. Today we revised them and I showed them how to create glogs as Glogster is my fave web 2.0 tool.
They wrote a poem, then here is my daughter’s first glog.
Go animate
Yesterday ı and my son played with GoAnimate. He just loved it. He created 6 videos and some were really interesting. Because of the games and cartoons he watches, he produced some English he never learned. I was amazed. I’m not going to share all of them here as for some reason he couldn’t fit the speeches with the people, they just spoke at the same time but here I’m adding the one he created for his english teacher.
Like it? Create your own at GoAnimate.com. It’s free and fun!