#37th ELT Blog Carnival


Welcome to the 37th ELT Blog Carnival. Many thanks for the colleagues who shared their lessons here and Many thanks to my PLN who spread the news of the carnival when I tweeted or FBed about it. OK, Folks… Let’s begin … Do you hear the merry sounds, songs, giggles of a happy moment from a celebration. Life without these days will be ‘like everyday‘. Right …. Here I go …. Let’s celebrate all together.

I’ll start from the first entry I received …


1. Vicky Loras sent and amazing entry for the International Book Day. Vicky, as a book enthusiast, describes ways how to make this day memorable and promote reading at the same time.

2. Then we have 2 wonderful ideas from Movie Segments for Warm-ups and Follow-Ups by Claudio Azavedo, You have a look for “Four Christmases How Grinch Stole”  and “New Year’s Eve When Harry Met Sally”

3. Teacher Marija is present at this blog carnival with a Christmas Test that you can print and use in the class.

4. A Christmas classic that most of us use in our reading classes during the holiday season is The Gift of magi by O’Henry. You will like the lesson Ceri Jones  wrote and shared on her blog.

5. When I posted about the carnival on celebrations I did hope to find more resources on various celebrations. Larry Ferlazzo’s famous “best” list is for Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa can be bookmarked for numerous visits.

6. Carissa Peck contributes to the blog carnival with lessons for all seasons. Clicking on the links you can find great ideas to use with your own classes.

7. Claudie teaches people from all over the world – many different countries, different religions and she describes how she uses December in her classes in her post.

8. EFL Classroom 2.0 has loads of holiday related materials. David Deubelbeiss presents 50 Holiday Activities for Teaching English.I’m sure we can find something that will appeal our students.

9. My contribution to the carnival is a post I wrote last year just after Christmas and New Year and I hope this time I’m not too late to share it.

10. I really don’t want to finish the list with an odd number so I’ll add a project I and a very creative and enthusiastic teacher, Alexandra Fransisco started back in 2009 and continued for two year. With Celebr8u&medigitally, I had the chance to meet the students’ of my PLN. The wiki is full of web 2.0 projects for many celebrations.

I hope 2014 will be a happy and prosperous year and there will be peace and calm everywhere. Enjoy the holiday season.

You can always revisit the previous carnivals to get inspiration for your lessons from The ELT Blog Carnival home page  

nutella cookies

Wishing you a Happy Holiday Season 🙂



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3 comments on “#37th ELT Blog Carnival
  1. Thanks for hosting the carnivale! Thank you for the New Year’s resolutions suggestion. ON LINE-COMIC CREATING!!!!…Brilliant. Luvit.

    Our computer room got flooded so I won’t be able to do it this year. (Imagine a flotilla of computers!) But I have used comics before, whited out the writing and had students fill in content in the bubbles – so I’ll have a quick look around for some of my old “templates” – Bless you Sparky/Charles Schultz (Peanuts)

    I always show “It’s a Wonderful LIfe” in the last week of the session. I’ll post the follow up questions I use on my blog. There (also is a lesson on the Conditionals in Grammar Dimensions (if memory serves me) which uses IAWL as content: “If Harry hadn’t been born….”etc
    The message is inspiring to all.

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