Some more useful sites for teaching, learning and practising vocabulary
Puzzlemaker at Discovery education enables teachers to create puzzles,
You can create flashcards using Flashcard maker from
Spelling wizard is also a great tool to help self study or enables teachers to create spelling scramble and word search
At SuperKidsVocabulary Builders, you can easily create puzzles, wordsearch or play games and learn new words. is a great site to learn and teach vocabulary.
OneLook Dictionary enables you to access definitions from different dictionaries.
Flickr related tag browser is great. You type the word you want to search and see flickr images and related other words and images too. is a wonderful site to create flashcards, games, diagrams, puzzles.
Vocabulary and Spelling City is another great site to play with words.
Related post on this blog: Teaching Vocabulary-links, books, ideas
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The Internet offers new possibilities for learning vocabulary.
For example, offers customized vocabulary and spelling tutoring. It’s easy and fun, and you can try it free. The tutoring is offered via membership or Pay-Per-Result, and is very affordable.
You can request your own words, or select a pre-made course of study. Rewards and diplomas acknowledge your study effort and keep motivation high. The database of 150,000 words contains definitions, audio, images, translations in 37 languages, sample sentences with audio, tutoring comments and links to online resources.
You can take a bunch of quizzes free to see if you like it.