World Cup Lesson Ideas


worldcup2010Well, partly because I have classes with no football enthusiasm and as schools close this Friday, I can’t do any World Cup themed lessons with my students.  I believe the event itself can be a great resource for a speaking activity. However, there are other great things which can be done while the world cup is going on.

1. This one is in South Africa so it can be a good opportunity to reasearch the country. You can ask your students to learn something about Nelson Mandela or Nadine Gordimer as they also have Nobel prizes.

2. You can group students as A, B, Cs and ask them to reasearch the countries in their groups and present them to the class. They can even prepare a World Cup corner somewhere in the school with some information about the countries.

3. You can ask them to create trivia quizzes on past world cups.

4. They can prepare a presentation on unforgettable moments. I still remember how Maradona scored a goal with his hand and stayed unpenalised and as a result Argentina won the cup.

5. You can ask them to research the top scorers of the games.

6. You can ask the students to research some football legends like Pele, Cruyff, Socrates, Zoff ,Puskás, etc and  how they continued their lives.

For more ideas visit

Sean Banville’s Blog and read The Beautiful Game 2010. Sean is also determined to prepare a 9-page-lesson for each game so keep visiting Breaking english News.

Esolcourses for lots of lessons.

World cup project ebook by David Deubelbeiss

The Beautiful Game – South Africa 2010 by Chickensaltash


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5 comments on “World Cup Lesson Ideas
  1. Pingback: Tweets that mention World Cup Lesson Ideas | A Journey in TEFL --

  2. Thank you Anne for the links. There are really great things that we can do with all these events like World Cup, Olympic games, etc and thanks to blogging and twitter and PLN we can reach wonderful links.
    Teaching has never been this easy 🙂

  3. Pingback: Why it Makes Sense to Teach the World Cup | Teacher Reboot Camp

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