Ready, Steady, Cook


Materials: Prepare small ingredient cards. (One ingredient on card/with pictures if you want or you can either bring food to the classroom)

1 computer for 2 students 😉 or you may supply them with some magazines even in L1

Level: Upper-int and above


Watch a part from Ready Steady Cook. Tell them to jot down any cooking vocabulary they hear. After watching the segment talk about the programme. What do the participants do?


Brainstorm cooking vocabulary and utensils. Give them an exercise.

Brainstorm basic ingredients that they think they usually find in their own kitchen. Tell them the words on the board will be the ingredients of their kitchen cabinet.


Put them in pairs

Tell them to choose 4 ingredients from your box. ( The cards or the food)

Tell them they will search the web/ magazines and find a suitable recipe for a 2 course meal with the ingredients from their kitchen cabinet and they’ve chosen.

When they come up with their recipes, they have to present it to their friends.


Follow up:

1. As a class they can choose some best recipes from the presentations and create a mini cookery book.They can create a page explaining cooking techniques, utensils and basic ingredients.

2. They can create a class cookery slide show using photopeach.

3. Each team can create a glogter with pictures and their own videos explaining how to cook.

4. They can create a powerpoint presentation and record their voice explaining their recipes.

5. You can create a voicethread for the class and each team can record one of their recipes.

2 comments on “Ready, Steady, Cook
  1. Pingback: Ready, Steady, Cook : A Journey in TEFL | Fun Lessons for Teaching English |

  2. Pingback: Ready, Steady, Cook : A Journey in TEFL | Mobile and social media for language learning and teaching |

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