Exploring Art and Creativity with AI


In today’s reading class, we worked on an article about art. I started the lesson with a few warm-up questions: What is art? What do you think about art? The students had some interesting ideas, and their answers set the stage for what turned out to be a really creative session.

We moved on to a picture in the book, and I asked the students to analyze it. Their responses were so varied! Some talked about the colors, others thought the image had some kind of filter. One student wasn’t impressed and said, “It’s just slices of oranges.” Then someone suggested that it might have been generated by ChatGPT!

That comment sparked an idea. I told them the image didn’t look like what DALL-E (an AI art tool) would produce, but we could use the tool to create something ourselves. The class liked the idea. We decided to come up with a description for DALL-E together.

I assigned one of the students as the secretary to jot down our sentences. I started to be a model for my students and said the picture should have bright colours. Another student said the image should look futuristic. Someone else suggested adding a cat, and another said there could be the sea. Piece by piece, we built our prompt.

When we entered it into DALL-E, the result was amazing. The image captured everything we had described, and the students loved it. We spent some time analyzing the final product, comparing it to what we imagined, and reflecting on how AI interpreted our ideas.

It was such a fun and unexpected way to connect with the topic of the lesson. The students were engaged, creative, and curious. It was also a way to demonstrate students how to benefit from AI and show.

It’s definitely an activity I’d try again!

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