Dream2Edu, a new step for me


Slide03I haven’t updated my blog for ages and I feel a bit guilty about it. However, I have some good reasons. I’d like to share something really important for me with you. I just started my own business, a Thought Shop = Düşünce Dükkanı in Turkish (as I also love to call it). Dream2Edu is a new stop where I will have a room of my own to deliver workshops and courses to teachers, parents and children, in short to people who will never cease learning. Some of my colleagues will assist me as well. Nowadays, I’m busy with school and watching the shop’s baby steps. I don’t know how it will do but I believe in this project and I hope I’ll manage to keep it open.

If you’d like to follow us, we are @dream2edu on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. The website is here and the email is dreamtoedu@gmail.com.


7 comments on “Dream2Edu, a new step for me
  1. Dearest Eva,

    I am so so happy for you and I am sure you will do very well, because you love your work so much! I hope I can visit you and your beautiful space next time I am in Istanbul.

    Sending you my warmest wishes and congratulations on your new venture!


    • Thank you dear Vicky, you know you are one of my inspirations and I don’t know if you remember me mentioning about this a few years ago when we met and I’d be very happy when you come and visit me in Dream2Edu.
      Lots of loves

  2. Dear Eva

    I have just seen this new post and would like to wish you the very best of luck for your new venture!! I am sure you will do very well, and your new Dream2Edu project will thrive. You are such a dedicated teacher and you deserve all the success in the world. Many congratulations!

    Lots of love


    • Thank you Janet for your kind words and best wishes. It’s quite a new venture and I’m tying to make it walk 🙂
      Lots of love

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