Using Quotations to Revise Grammar

Last week we revised modals with my year 12 students and after doing a lot of exercises, tests, etc ( they are studying for the university entrancre exam and they will take the language exam so they need to master the grammar and the skills as well) I realised they still got confused as most of the modals would be translated into Turkish as the same way. To make them focus on the meaning, I prepared some paraphrasing exercises and at the bottom of the page I decided to add a quotation to motivate studying and I started to search for a good one but found too many. Then I decided to prepare a gap fill exercise with these quotations omitting the modal verbs.

Finally in the class after doing the exercise we talked about some of the quotes, the ones they liked, etc. As a follow up I wanted them to choose one of them and reflect on it writing a 120-140 word article. I still didn’t get their articles and don’t know what I will recieve but the activity can be fun if your students like talking  and discussing together.


Another  activity I preparedwith quotes but haven’t used yet is

Find some quotes about any topic you want to discuss

Create a wordle

In groups ask your students to put the words into correct order to find out the quote.

Discuss them together

Ask them to write something on them

Tell them to create a poster using bighugelabs or another tool.

Can you guess the wordle?


Wordle: learning

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5 comments on “Using Quotations to Revise Grammar
  1. What a great idea! Thank you for sharing this with all of us. I downloaded your worksheet and look forward to using it. I teach writing to advanced adult learners, and this may tie in well with a lesson I want to do on how to use modals to create a sense of confidence/weakness in your writing.

    PS. Happy to meet you on Twitter!

  2. Hi Eva,
    I really enjoyed reading your post. I really like your wordle activity idea! It would definitely be a great way to get students thinking while having fun at the same time. I have really enjoyed all of your ideas that you post on your blog. I can not wait to get into the classroom and use them! Thanks for sharing!

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