An Unprepared Storytelling Session

I’m so much exhausted these days. There are many thing at school that we have to do. Our Comenius partners visit us next week. Actually it is very exciting to plan everything. We have to deal with arrivals, presentations, meetings, day tips, etc. We are even planning a Europe Day celebration on May 9th. I’m sure it wil be a great event. I will tell about it later.

Well, as I’m so much involved with these things, I can’t spend enough time for planning my lessons. Anyways, I had a lesson with grade 6 today and had no preparation and to be honest, I was very relieved. Even at the door I was thinking whether it would be a good idea to play a word game with them.

When we greeted each other, I suddenly decided to do a story-telling session.

First we brainstormed fairy tales. I wrore them on the board. They told me their favourite ones.

Wordle: little Red riding Hood

Then we chose ‘Little Red Riding Hood’

I told them to list nouns and adjectives that comes into their mind when they think about the story.

Then they listed the verbs in the story.

I wrote ‘Once Upon a Time’ on the board and told them I would tell them the story but they would help me when I stopped.

I started the story and they helped me when I stopped.

All the words were on the board and it helped them a lot.

They learned past simple tense, past continous tense, present simple and present continous also will and present perfect so it was very easy for them to help me tell the story.

When we finished, I told them to write it with their sentences and as we didn’t have enough time I told them to make their story an illustrated book for next week.

If I had planned ahead, I’d have gone to the class with pictures.

Maybe I would give pictures in jumbled order and ask them to put the story in correct order.

Or even I could have prepared slips of papers with sentences from the story and ask them to put the story in correct order.

However, at the end of the session I was very happy with the product. They were great!

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  1. Pingback: An Unprepared Storytelling Session : A Journey in TEFL | TeachingEnglish |

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