My Wonderful PLN-2

 Janet Bianchini is one of the first people I started following when I stepped in twitter and blogosphere. From the day I’ve met her virtually, I received infinite support from her. So for Brad’s blog interview challenge I also wanted to interview her. Before I got her answers, I tried to answer them. Here are my answers and then you will read hers.






If I were her student, I’d definitely call her supportive, creative and hard-working. (If you are following her on twitter or reading her blog, you will understand what I mean)

I think she has fresh vegetables, fruit picked from her garden and eggs from her hens in her refrigerator.

If she weren’t a teacher, she would be a great writer.

I think any difficult situation will have a practical solution for her.

And as for the books and films, maybe a movie of George Clooney.

And time to read Janet Bianchini’s answers:

1)    If your students were to label you with 3 adjectives, what might they be?

Strict, fair and dedicated

2)   What would we find in your refrigerator right now?

Lots of eggs from our 4 chickens! Tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, Italian cheese (Parmeggiano di Reggiano) for adding to pasta dishes, bottle of white wine (Trebbiano d’Abruzzo), lots of milk (for Samantha and her 4 thirsty kittens) and a packet of Gnocchi (made from potaoes).

3)   If you weren’t a teacher, what might your profession be?

I would be a flight attendant travelling all over the world to exotic places.  I was so upset when I was turned down by British Airways when I was younger, just because I was too short!!

4)   What do you find most difficult about the teaching profession, or What has been your most difficult class as a teacher?

I think keeping up with the fast changing times is quite tricky, but I guess it’s also a challenge. My most difficult class was with a group of teenagers who didn’t really want to be in class.  I remember I did a lot of pop songs with them (via cassettes) and that seemed to motivate them.  This was before the days of YouTube and the internet being readily available!

5)   What was the last book/movie you read/saw, and what have you seen/read way too many times?

The last book I read was “How to Cook Compost” by the National Trust.  I have read this book many times and even wrote a review of it on my blog.  The reason I re- read it recently is because I’m not happy with one of my compost bins this year as there seem to be so many flies and ants in it.  I am trying to work out what I’ve done wrong!! I really enjoy recycling everything and seeing things like toilet rolls and apple peelings become friable compost ready to add to the veggie plot is deeply satisfying!!

I have seen the “Sound of Music” way too many times!  I absolutely love the story line and the wonderful scenery, and fabulous music.  My dream is to go to the theatre one day dressed as Maria (the nun) to  a Sing-along Sound of Music performance!!!  That would be sooo much fun, I’m sure.


As cooking is my fave hobby, can I also ask you to share a recipe with us? an Italian one maybe?

Yes, I’d be delighted to share this recipe for Tiramisu, my favourite dessert. Freshly laid eggs are of course preferable Jif you have chickens.

You will need the following ingredients:

  •  2 egg whites
  • 4 egg yolks
  • 150g icing sugar
  • 400g Mascarpone cheese
  • 200g sponge fingers
  • 1 teaspoon coffee
  • 200g plain chocolate
  • 1 tablespoon cocoa powder

Prep: 10 mins.    Cooking: 0 mins.









image taken from  here

 This Tiramisu Recipe serves 6 people.


  • Whisk the egg whites in a bowl until stiff.
  • Beat the egg yolks and sugar in a bowl until pale and fluffy.
  • Fold the Mascarpone cheese and then the egg whites into the egg yolks and sugar mixture.
  • Make a strong cup of coffee and allow to cool.
  • Place a layer sponge fingers in a deep rectangluar serving dish and brush with the coffee.
  • Cover with a layer of the Mascarpone cream.
  • Cover with a layer of finely grated chocolate.
  • Repeat the layering until all the ingredients are used (a couple of layers should suffice), ending with a layer of Mascarpone cream.
  • Dust with cocoa powder and chill in the fridge for about 3 hours before serving.


6 comments on “My Wonderful PLN-2
  1. Dear Eva

    Thank you so much for interviewing me! It was lovely to take part in Brad’s challenge and I liked your extra question. Also, you were pretty close in guessing my answers 🙂

    Thank you for all your support since the time we first met via Twitter and your blog. It’s wonderful to be included in your PLN.

    Best wishes


  2. Hi Eva and Janet – nice pic from IATEFL! Thank you also for interviewing me for this great project. You’ve inspired me to do my own interview – coming soon !

  3. WOW… so many moments where I was like… “really, Janet !”

    You have chickens and have written a review for a compost book. THAT IS SOOOOO COOL ! I can’t wait for the day when I can say the same, and have some piggies and maybe a couple goat. Haha… no joke 🙂

    A tiramisu recipe… dangerous. Good thing I’m not the dessert chef at home, but I will pass the recipe along to claire. I think adding an extra— fav recipe — question is perfect, and will include it in my next and 3rd PLN interview, but who… o… who will it be !!!

    Thanks to both of you for sharing more with us. Cheers, B

  4. Hi Brad

    Thanks for commenting 🙂 What a fab challenge you’ve set up for us teachers, n’est pas? Can’t wait to see who your mystery 3rd interview is with!!

    I’ll be posting up a PLN interview with Leahn,(Fuertesun) fairly soon. Watch my space!!


  5. Hi Eva and Janet!

    Eva, thanks so much for interviewing Janet! I loved how you made your own predictions before her answers. I loved that as an introduction!


    How nice to know more things about you! I would have also thought you would like to be a writer if you were not a teacher. The world of ELT is very lucky to have you!

    And thank you for the Tiramisu recipe…it is one of my favourite desserts (luckily there is a farm nearby so I can get fresh eggs from there to make it!).

    Sending you both big hugs,

  6. Hi Vicky

    Thank you so much for commenting – you are very kind!

    It seems everyone likes Tiramisu – it also freezes well, I’ve discovered.

    We have up to 28 freshly-laid eggs a week, courtesy of Chikita, Berry, Kenklucky and Filito, and that’s quite a lot just for 2 people.

    Big hugs


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