My blog, my toddler, my journey … - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more

Eventually My Journey in TEFL is celebrating her 1st birthday in blogosphere. I’m so glad that I started blogging.

I believe September is a very lucky month for me. I’m not going to reveal everything but many good things in my life all started in September.

Everything started last year on 5th of September with Ozge Karaoglu’s introduction to web 2.0 tools and blogging and I decided to be online.

I started my blog but I didn’t actually know what I was going to write.I just added some sites and some wrote some simple ideas.Then I decided to write about things I loved doing in the class, I had just tried with my students. Those were the days I also started twitter. These two looked so combined together. Days passed and I heard some voices. I got support from an online community I had just participated. They retweeted my posts, left comments and they followed me back on twitter and I found out I had already started to have my own PLN.

Twitter and blogging started changing my teaching life. I found myself in a constant professional development which enabled me to collaborate with teachers around the world. All these social-media things gave me the chance to speak my mind, share ideas and have friendly chats with my PLN.

Twitter also helped me to meet members of my PLN in real life. I now have friends from all over the world whom I know I can rely on whenever I need guidance.

If you aren’t on twitter,  if you aren’t blogging,  if you don’t believe they are useful for your career and if you have come across with this post via google search, please consider it again.

If you join,

You may receive a book that you need from a friend from Brazil. You may be invited to Yorkshire for teacher workshops. You may join a project of a friend living in another country. You may start a project with another friend in another country. You may give your students a chance to have a real conversation in English with real people using skype. If When you aren’t online for a couple of days, you may even get a message from a friend who doesn’t even know you wondering where you have recently been.

If you are blogging and if you are on twitter, you already know the privileges that we have. Thank you for the support…

8 comments on “My blog, my toddler, my journey …
  1. Dear Eva

    Many congratulations on the first anniversary of your lovely blog!! You have really achieved so much in your first year of blogging and tweeting. You are a fabulous ambassador for what being in a PLN consists of.

    It’s a real pleasure to know you virtually, but I really would like to meet you face to face! I feel as if I know you already because of our connection with blogging and twitter.

    I wish you lots more fun on your blogging journey. You are a real inspiration and I am so happy to be learning and sharing with you.

    Best wishes


  2. Thank you Janet,
    The feelings are mutual. I also think that ı already know you. Thanks for the support. you helped me a lot to find my way in this virtual journey.

  3. Pingback: Tweets that mention My blog, my toddler, my journey … | A Journey in TEFL --

  4. Dear Eva,

    Congratulations!!! I feel so identified with this blog post. Blogging and Twitter have also changed my teaching life.

    We are all connected and sharing is what makes us a better teacher.

    Thank you for always sharing and being an inspiration.

    Warm regards
    Jennifer from Buenos Aires

  5. Happy Bloggingversary Eva!!!

    I’m new to the PLN/twitterverse, but as you said, it has changed my life as a teacher. It has introduced me to fantastic educators from all over the world – such as yourself, provided me with uncountable resources, articles, discussions… It’s made me read more, reflect upon my practice, change, and even be proud of things I do. It has especially made me want to read and learn even more – and that is essencial for a true educator.

    I love reading your blog (and so many others from some of the great teachers I’ve met through twitter, and other who I haven’t “met”, but admire) and while I still don’t have a blog of my own, I’m nurturing the idea. Maybe I’ll gather the courage for that one day. Because I agree with what you say about how much it enriches our lives and work.

    Thank you for the inspiration. And may you keep blogging for many more years!

  6. Happy belated blog birthday! Sorry I’m barely catching up. It’s so fantastic you’ve been blogging a year! I remember when you first came on the scene. I love your very honest approach to blogging and how you share your classroom experience using web 2.0 tools! You’re an incredible member of our PLN and I’ll give you a proper hug in Paris 🙂

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