Sometimes you can set unusual tasks that challenge thinking. Set time limit and tell your students to describe
Some ideas
Create a 5th season and describe it.
Create a country and describe it.
Create a new era and describe it.
Create an other planet where people can live.
Imagine a day is 36 hours. Describe the typical school day of a teenager.
You can come up with more ideas and I’ll be happy to hear them.
A variation for Create a 5th season
Play Vivaldi’s FOUR SEASON in jumbled order
Ask them to guess which season is described in each piece and ask them why they think like that.
Tell the answers.
Talk about how people feel in each season.
Ask them to create their own season and describe it.
They can even draw pictures of it.
It may take long but the challenge is worth a try. They end up creating wonderful seasons and they can be very creative.
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Hi Eva,
Love it! Great list of very creative ideas!
I used to to the “create your own country” activity with my teens. They spent time writing out descriptions of the countries, made travel posters advertising what a great place it was to visit, then presented the posters a-la TV commerical.
As a follow-up, they had to invent one or two unusual cultural quirks of their country. Then they would role-play interactions between citizens of different countries.
Hi John,
Thanks for the follow ups. I really love the travel poster idea. Wow, TV commercial will be great too and they can even do it using animoto or photopeach.