What I have bookmarked recently…

jelly beans for faves


Twitter enabled me to reach many links and resources and delicious is another tool which makes my teaching life easier these days. I try to bookmark the interesting articles, lesson ideas and tools. There are so many great things on my delicious list now and I can prepare a lesson wherever I am. I don’t have to carry my computer with me or I don’t have to wait until I go home.The list is growing bigger and bigger everyday because of that I sometimes feel I’ll forget them so I want to list what I’ve bookmarked recently.

And my  sweetest recent links are:

HistoryStuff  is a site which may be more helpful for history teachers but the activities are so fun that every EFL teacher can find something to do with this site.

Big Huge Labs is a site where you can create beautiful posters, jigsaw puzzles; make your magazine cover and so on. I can ask my students to prepare a magazine cover or their own movie poster for a project. It is easy to use and looks fun.

60 second recap If you are using any of the books Jenny is talking about, the site will be a good reference for your students. The site aims teenagers to understand literature.

I love using songs in my lessons. Songs helped me reach my students in the past and now in the present I choose the songs I love. As they know the songs on the lists by heart, I think it’s useless to bring them to the classroom so I choose the old ones that I think they will like. Here is an activity I really liked and twitted and bookmarked. It’s on EFL Classroom 2.0.  I want to do a similar activity as soon as possible. Another song activity is from Humanising Language Teaching magazine’s last issue.

Class Tools is a site I’ve just discovered thanks to the EVO sessions. It is great for vocabulary revisions. I prepared some games and added them on my class blogs. My students enjoyed playing with them. I think it will be among the most delicious of my favourites.

Definr is a very fast online dictionary and it looks cool.

I hope I’ll be able to make this list longer soon.


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