A Fun Icebreaker For The Online Classroom

The new normal is the remote learning until we enter our classrooms again. Online classrooms will also give us a chance to interact with our students, to participate the lessons actively. If we just follow a PowerPoint presentation or the lesson material, they will pretend that they are in the class but they will find something else to be busy with.
So I’d like to share an icebreaker activity for your new online classroom.

Go to Mentimeter.

Create a new presentation.

Choose presentation task as ‘word cloud’ and ask questions to know your class personally such as ‘What is favourite music?’ ‘Who is your favourite actor?’ ‘What is your favourite food?, etc.

Then give the code to your students, share your screen and if you have a small class, talk about the similarities, their likes, etc.

You can easily adapt the activity to your lesson and use Mentimeter or a similar tool for a warm up activity.

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