Dogus University ELT Conference

‘Turning Challenges into Opportunities’ was called the conference and it really helped us to see the opportunities that lay ahead us. A teacher who is eager to teach and overcome obstacles will always find ways to turn challenges into opportunities.

I’d like to thank all the Dogus University conference organisers, stuff and students who tried to do their best for the participants to spend two long weekend days with smiles on their faces while leaving the venue.

My presentation was

Revisiting Storytelling Digitally


Storytelling is one of the things we should give more emphasis in our classes. With stories we can experience many lives. By listening, we can learn how to tell our own stories. We are all storytellers but the generation we are teaching has started doing it digitally. This session will revise the storytelling, suggesting new ways to create digital ones.


The aim of my session was to tell participants how digital storytelling is similar to the traditional storytelling. The only difference is the media we are creating the stories with and how effective it can be as it will allow the learners to reach a real audience, not just the teacher in the classroom. We went through storytelling stages together, looked at how we can create digital ones, then I introduced my favourite tools to tell digital stories and shared some examples of my students’ digital products.



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