My recent favourites. Try them if you haven’t already used them.
is a fun site. Type your half phrase or sentence and ask phrasup to complete nad translate it for you.
Batlyrics is a fabulous site if you like using songs in your lessons. I learned it via Nik Peachey from his ISTEK talk. Just type a phrase you want to focus and find the songs which have it. Great for revising, practising or presenting grammar with songs.
And another pronunciation site I learned from Ann was phonetics and I immediately shared it with my students who are studying at university and having problems with phonetics.
And another wonderful site from Ann’s session was lingro. Just enter a website adress and make all the words on the text clickable.
Thanks for these links Eva… I’m trying to write about the tools I saw at IATEFL… Just need to try some of them now!
Thanks Eva for connecting us with these great tools. Living in Mexico I have never gone to an IATEFL, and I appreciate your sharing everything you learned. I can’t wait to share the link of Batlyrics with my students who will be connecting a Reader they have read with a song and posting it on Glogs: a first time for them too.
Thanks, Ellen